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Bessern, Motivation, HR

Making sure the next 2 months of this year are ending on a positive note

Bessern Community

Another year is coming to an end soon and many of you might have already started to reflect on the things that happened in your personal and professional life during the last 9 months of your career. For some people, it might have been the best year and for some, it could have been a struggle.

Regardless of what happened, you can certainly make sure that the next 2 months of this year are going to end on a positive note.

1. Assess your progress

The first thing which you need to do to end the next 2 months of this year on a positive note, is by assessing the progress you have made over the last 9 months. Look at the different goals that you set and how many of them were you able to reach? List down the goals you want to achieve along with the things that you need to do daily to ensure you meet your goals at the end of the year. If the goal was to get fit, measure your progress until now and re-evaluate the things you need to do again.

2. Recognize the losses and celebrate the wins

ending on a positive note

Everyone is supposed to encounter failure in their life more than success. However, it is important to acknowledge your failure and learn from them. Having said that, you do not want to get stuck with the negatives. Do ensure that you celebrate your wins as well from the last 9 months. No matter how small it is, write it down, celebrate it. If you have time to achieve something you set your mind to in the beginning of this year, then look if it is still doable to do it in the last 2 months and get to it!

3. Have a balanced perspective

No matter how hard you work throughout the day, there is never enough number of hours during the day. It is important to have a balanced perspective in life in accordance with your personal and professional life. Remember that both are equally important. Do not let your professional life take the charge about how you feel or react in your personal life. You need to keep both separately.

There is still plenty of time left in the year, for you to make it the best one for you. All you need to do is reassess your situation and create a balance between your personal and professional life. Everything will fall into place one by one.


Elena Agaragimova Coach Bessern

Elena Agaragimova

Bessern - Global Talent Development Adviser


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